Blossom Series
Blossom: /ˈblɒs(ə)m/ (of a tree or plant) to produce flowers that develop into fruit.
A precious stage of development: still my little girl and a teenager at the same time.
Only 8, she is torn between her imagination and her dreams.
Still likes dolls and comforted by teddy bears,
Then dolling up with makeup to play the grown up.
Blossom is a long-term project of a view in the life of my daughter between the age of 8 until Womanhood. In the last few years I have seen changes in her behaviour but also her body was solidly changing and the way she was evolving was changing too. It was like watching a baby horse walking for the first time, clumsy at start then with more and more confidence. This is what is interesting for me to see how this little girl will transform into a beautiful strong teenager.
Documenting the tangible time: the transformation of her body, her personality, Her complex behaviour, the overwhelming. Capturing her childhood innocence with the teenage attitude shining through.