{Birth Story} : Where I was Born Serie Project | Stella

31st of December 2023

Sometimes Birth is not exactly how we wanted to be.. That is why having a Birth Plan and one someone to advocate for you is something that all mums to be should prepare.

Stella was my second mum I visited and captured for my new serie “ Where I was born” and here is her story :

It was 8am when I woke up with a contraction- it’s begun our long journey to get here was coming in slowly.. I was going to meet him soon. I had spent the last 12 weeks with no continuity of care or any intervention whatsoever waiting patiently for natural labour to begin. After 2 previous c sections this was my redemption labour and birth. I had planned to have a free birth in our home and all we had to do was wait for the unknown. And oh how that unknown is such a magical thing. 

On the 1st of January 12pm the contractions set in motion after a day of irregular waves. 

I woke up my husband and said it’s happening we are going to meet him soon- 

Little did I know that was not the case 😅

In high spirits, with love and joy filling our house in the darkness of night and deepest contractions. My partner started to set up the pool, as i danced back and forth calling in my baby boy Toby, him and I flowing inbetween each surge so beautifully. I was so relaxed and breathing in sync with every emotion as it rose in my body. Singing my baby to me through primal sounds. 

I manifested this moment, I was in the pool as I found relief and rest. The contractions started slowing and I felt maybe It was the calm before the storm. Though hours went on and the pain started getting worse. Went from contraction pain to different overwhelming pains, my body wasn’t feeling right to me. I started bleeding and time started going really fast. I went from flowing and moving around my house in the dark to the sun being up my children greeting me in between my giant roars and red tired eyes. I didn’t experience any fear until this moment of knowing I could be in for days yet.. why am I bleeding.. why is this slowing… what’s going on. All the questions rose and I remember taking a massive breath, vacating to my room alone and asking Toby what is happening? It’s now 10am the next day.. I’m exhausted and being alone in my room felt like forever. I couldn’t bare it anymore I listened in and I didn’t feel safe anymore. My body was screaming this is not labour pain. I made the call it’s time to outsource some help. My partner come in while he rubbed my back and held space for me as I sobbed. He asked me if I am sure and we made a plan together and he said he promises to advocate for every single minute we are in this together… and that’s exactly what he did. 

We rang the hospital explained our situation and told them what we require from them moving forward in this labour. 

When arriving a whole team of drs/ midwives and nurses were there open arms calmly waiting for me to make the call of c section or continuing to labour with the aid of interventional medicines. 

After monitoring and denying a vaginal examination both Jordan and I agreed on moving forward with a c section, I had a list of dos and don’t and the hospital was very respectful of our wishes. This was classed as an “emergency c section” though Toby was monitoring fine and I was in good spirits it was a slow but steady pace getting me down to theatre. 

Within an hour of us arriving I was being prepared for surgery with constant contractions and more blood loss 

12:44pm 2nd January my third son was born. I haemorrhaged during my surgery and they found the cause of the bleeding and pain- my uterus was ruptured and torn down the left side and needed to be sewn back up. Which definitely explains the the severity of what I had gone through in the last 20 hours of labour.

This experience was so gentle and informative, I felt I was listened to and advocated for so well. I had a voice and I made decisions where due. I had control of my body and my power and I am so thankful for listening to myself when I did after wanting to free birth so badly- my experience was not more important than my version of safety and my body and baby communicated all of that. 

My baby was so perfect, he was here, healthy and gorgeous, arriving through the same portal his brothers did. He chose his birthday and my body did it when I was told my body was never capable to do so after previous experiences. I may have not had my vbac but I redeemed my power. I did it alone in my home with my husband and children. I made the call to leave the den. 🙏🏻


If you would like to be part of my serie “ Where I was Born” like Stella did, please click here

We’ll make art from your life, together.

Birth StoryNadia Stone